The code of ethics embodies the responsibilities that should instruct those who join the community of VENETI FOR COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL THERAPY. The code of ethics serves as a guide to the individuals of how to relate to their colleagues and how to fulfill their professional roles and responsibilities toward those they serve such as clients, patients, employers, research participants, students, institutions and the public at large.


  1. In the practice of the profession, each individual asserts the ethical principles of confidentiality, autonomy, beneficence, and justice as a guide to his/her professional conduct.
  2. Each individual shall not discriminate against clients or professionals based on race, religion, age, gender, disability, national ancestry, sexual orientation or economic condition.
  3. Each individual shall espouse objectivity and integrity, and maintain the highest standards in the services that she/he offers.
  4. Each individual recognizes that the profession is founded on standards of competency which promote the best interests of society, of the client, of him/herself, and of the profession as a whole.
  5. Each individual recognizes the need for ongoing education as a component of professional competency.
  6. Each individual shall uphold the legal and accepted moral codes which pertain to professional conduct.
  7. Each individual shall honestly respect the limits of present knowledge in public statements concerning the application of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy.
  8. Each individual shall assign credit to all who have contributed to any published materials and for the work upon which the publications are based.
  9. Each individual shall respect the integrity and protect the welfare of the person or group with whom she/he is working.
  10. Each individual shall embrace as a primary obligation, the duty of protecting client’s rights and will not disclosure confidential information acquired in teaching, practice, or investigation without appropriately executed consent.
  11. Each individual shall safeguard the integrity of the therapeutic relationship and shall ensure that the client has reasonable access to effective treatment.
  12. Each individual shall treat colleagues with respect, courtesy, and fairness and will afford the same to other professionals.
  13. Each individual shall establish financial arrangements in professional practice and in accord with the professional standards that safeguard the best interests of the client first, and then the counselor, the agency, and the profession.
  14. Each individual shall actively engage in the legislative processes, educational institutions, and the general public to change public policy and legislation to make possible opportunities and choice of service for all human beings of any ethnic or social background whose lives are impaired by mental disorders.