Veneti V.. (2011) «Personality Disorders: The Cognitive-Behavioral and Schema Therapy». Copyright: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co

A personality disorder, as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR), is an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that differs markedly from the expectations of the individual’s culture, is pervasive and inflexible, has an onset in adolescence or early adulthood, is stable over time, and leads to distress or impairment. Personality disorders are a long-standing and maladaptive pattern of perceiving and responding to other people and to stressful circumstances. Ten personality disorders, grouped into 3 clusters are defined in the DSM-IV-TR. This book provides a comprehensive overview of personality disorders. It supports information on the several types, the symptoms and the causes of personality disorders. Also, the book discusses the nature of the cognitive-behavioral therapy and schema focused therapy and their effective application on the treatment of personality disorders.

Veneti V., (2011). «Depression Disorder: The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy». Copyright: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co.

Depression disorder characterized as the most common and serious illness that affects people lives. This book provides a comprehensive overview of depression disorder. It addresses information on the several types, the symptoms, and the causes of depression. At the second part of the book, the author discusses the nature of the cognitive-behavioral therapy and its effective process on the treatment of depression disorder.

Veneti V., (2010). «The Behavioral Treatment of the Paranoid Type of Schizophrenia Disorder». Copyright: VDM Verlag Dr Muller AG & Co. KG, Germany

The book contains a literature review, the symptoms, the subtypes, the causes and the case conceptualization of schizophrenia disorder. More specific, it was examined the effect of behavioral treatment on the 295.30 Paranoid type of Schizophrenia disorder. The main hypothesis was that the behavioral model can be applied in the treatment of 295.30 Paranoid type of Schizophrenia disorder. The patient who participated and received treatment based on the behavioral model was hospitalized at a private psychiatric hospital at Athens, Greece. The examiner had weekly sessions with the patient and applied the appropriate behavioral techniques under the supervising of the therapists who were working at the psychiatric hospital. At the end of the treatment’s application, the patient’s clinical condition revealed that the original hypothesis was supported. Therefore it was proved that the application of the behavioral model in the treatment of 295.30 Paranoid type of schizophrenia disorder have a positive outcome.

Veneti V., (2010). «The Development of Phonemic Awareness: The Effect of Schooling, Age and Word Structure on the Phonemic Awareness of 63 to 102 Months Old Children». Copyright: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co.

The effect of schooling, word structure and age on the phonemic awareness was tested by the use of words categories, which the number of syllables was the determining factor in terms of difficulty. The main hypothesis was that the development of phonemic awareness depended of the children’s age, schooling and word’s structure. The independent variables that were taken into consideration were the age, school and difficulty in the word’s structure. The experimenter based on two pilot studies concluded in the test format. The sample that used in the test format constituted of 40 children of 63 to 102 months old which 20 of them were kindergarten children and 20 were students at the first class of an elementary school at Athens, Greece. The data analysis revealed that all of the original hypotheses were supported, because statistical significant was found. Therefore it was proved that the schooling, children’s age and word’s structure have affection in the development of phonemic awareness.